Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Cut Leaf
Our Energy Field

I often hear and have even used the statement, “I just don’t have any energy today” .  The reality is that it’s not about having energy or not, because at the quantum level ENERGY IS WHAT WE ARE. It is just that at that moment we have low energy or put another way we are functioning at a lower vibration. Everything has an energetic vibration, from the chair you are sitting on, the grass and plants in your yard, the food you eat, the clothes you wear, the thoughts you think, and the emotions you feel.  As you can see from the Kirlian Photo of a leaf that is above, even though the top of the leaf was cut off the energetically the whole leaf is still present.  That is why when someone loses a finger they still have the sensation that their finger is still there.  Energetically they are still a whole person.  Everything also has it’s own energy field or energetic vibration it puts out.  How many times have you pulled up to a stoplight and looked over at the person in the car next to you and they look back at you. When you look over you automatically have a thought about that person, as that person feels the energy that you put out in that thought it will cause them to turn and see where that energy is coming from.  The same principle applies when you can feel someone is behind you.  You can also, if you are really tuning in, tell whether that person is there to harm you or is safe because of the vibration that they are putting out.

There is a lot of talk and opinions about what creates physical and emotional health.  I ask you to be open to the possibility that the key to being physically and emotionally healthy is directly tied to the frequency of vibration of  our emotions.

Everything you are today is a sum total of your experiences you have had and choices you have made up to this point.  Every experience we have is neutral until we attach an emotion to it. If we attach a positive emotions to an experiences or we will feel good. Good about ourselves and our lives. If we attach a negative emotion to an experiences we feel bad about our self and our life. 

Throughout the day we will have a myriad of positive and negative emotions vibrate through our body, but when you get to the core of each emotion it is either based in love or fear. All positive emotions can be put under love and all negative emotions can be put under fear. This is where Newton’s law of cause and effect comes into play.  If you look at the life that you live right now, your feelings are the causes and your circumstances are the effects.  One of my favorite quotes is, “The life I live today was created by the decisions I made yesterday.”  Even though we would like to think we logically make our decisions, most of us make decisions based on how we feel or how the hoped for outcome of that decision will make us feel.

Our purpose is to learn and the very core of what we are here to learn is how to love.  Negative emotions serve a great purpose in our learning process. How quickly we can process those emotions and change our perspective so that we can see the situation from a positive perspective rather that a negative one determines how long the lesson will last. For instance it’s learning how to quit living in fear and learn how to trust, learning how to turn jealousy into self worth, lack into abundance, anger into forgiveness, the list could go on. 

As I look at my life the biggest lessons I have learned have come through parenting and each child has taught or is teaching me a different lesson.  In fact I know that the children I have were given to me to help me overcome my weakness and teach me many things, the biggest is how to love them and myself unconditionally. It might not be hard for you but I have realized for me it is easy to love a child when they do everything I want them to do.  It is harder however when they constantly do the opposite of what I say, are constantly in trouble and I am choosing to feel grief, pain, failure, and low self worth from these experiences. 

At the height of this lesson one of my children had gotten in trouble with the law and was placed in a group home . This was an alternative to jail in hopes of rehabilitating the kids placed there.  I was feeling  about every negative emotion in the book, but the most prevalent was anger. I was angry at him because I was in fear that he might never change, I was in fear of what other people would think of me as a mother, I was in fear of how this would affect my other children, I was in fear of how it was affecting us financially.  Then I learned about the power of our thoughts and that what we think about we bring about.  I realized that even though I never told him that I didn’t like him ( I loved him, but I didn’t like him very much then) he could feel it, which got in the way of him feeling any love from me what so ever.  I also learned how people subconsciously sense our negative emotions and are positivily or negatively affected by them.  I started to be more aware of the thoughts I thought about him and the words I said about him. I worked on finding  and focusing on the positive about him and sharing his good points with others. I even realized he had a really cute sense of humor which I had never noticed before because I was so angry at him all the time. I also  would meditate for a few minutes daily and energetically send him love.  As I did this I also noticed more positive things about myself , my husband and my children. My realtionships with everyone, including myself  began to change and best of all my son started to open up to me, and our relationship began to change for the better. Today things are not perfect, but he knows I love him no matter what and he is in a much better place as am I. 

What negative emotion are you hanging on to that is creating havoc in your life?   What is it teaching you and what purpose is it serving? When you find out and work on it from a space of love, the awesome high vibration of peace,  and joy are just around the corner. 

 If you want to get in touch with what emotions are trapped in your subconscious mind, keeping you stuck in your life. Click on MY STORY at the top of this page and watch the video to learn how the modality of Simply Healed can help you on your path to wholeness.

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