What is Energy Work?:
Everything in our universe is made of energy. Energy has different frequencies and vibrations. How high or low our energy vibration is plays a big role in how we feel emotionally, how we function and interact with others in our life, and how successful we are at reaching our goals and manifesting our dreams. When you feel good inside you are functioning at a high vibration, when you feel sad, angry, fearful, depressed, or worried, you function at a lower vibration. Through the healing modality called Simply Healed TM I intuitively tune into your body and the negative emotions and experiences that are lowering your vibration and creating disharmony and discord in your life. What I love most about Simply Healed is unlike traditional therapy you don’t have to go into the story, drama, or unpleasantness of an event in order to heal from it. All you have to do is be made aware of the emotion, what it is tied to, and be ready to let it go. As it is released your body will do the rest.
Stuck emotions are similar to an oil leak in a pipe deep in the ocean. If you just try to clean up the slick on the top of the water you might make progress for a little while, but it will always come back until you figure out the source of the leak and repair that. Similarly in our own lives there are stored emotions that are keeping us stuck and holding us hostage from our dreams.You can try and set goals, say positive affirmations and create vision boards; but if there is a negative emotion in the way such as doubt, fear, or low self worth you will just keep creating the same results you have always gotten.
What does a session look like?: Because it is dealing with your energy field a session can be done over the phone or at my home where I have a room set aside for my business. Then by asking your body questions and receiving answers through Kinesiology or Muscle Testing it will tell us what negative emotions are stored there. I know to some it sounds unbelievable, all I can say is try it. It is something you have to experience. If at the end of the session you are not satisfied and don't feel lighter and better there will be no charge.
Other services I offer:
Life Coaching:
Life coaching has long been used as a tool to empower us to create good habits, learn powerful tools and have someone to be account able to. Combining Life Coaching with energy work adds a new dimension in that not only are you gaining new insights, and learning new tools to propel you forward, but you are also releasing any false beliefs or negative emotions that are in your way of reaching your dreams . By releasing negative emotions and replacing them with positive emotions you will own your voice, live your truth, be confident, and be able to more fully love yourself and others.
Massage is more than just some thing that is relaxing and feels good. It is a great way to reduce stress, improve your immune system, and increase circulation. Massage combined with an energy session is especially effective, because it will assist you to release the stress that is causing the tight, sore muscles in the first place. (To combine a massage with energy work you will want to schedule a 90 min. massage).
Areas of focus:
balance to the body, mind, and spirit.
Relationships: Many times the relationships in our life don’t work because of negative experiences in our past will create triggers that will cause fear, distrust, or sabatoge in a current relationship.
There is always generational baggage (to learn more about generation refer to the FAQs page) that will affect how we interact with our world.
Career: Low self worth, fear of success, false beliefs about money, generational baggage or past history can keep you from the success you deserve.
Energy work is not limited to distance and can just as easily be done over the phone as in person. You can click on the menu to the right for prices and to pay online. Also check out the wellness package page to save money on multiple massage or energy sessions. Click on the BOOK NOW button to schedule your appointment online or call 801-628-4880.
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