Friday, July 22, 2011

Transformation Mentoring

Imagine someone trying to clean up oil from a leaky pipe in the ocean and only working on the oily goo on the surface and never diving deep and fixing the issue that created the leak in the first place. They will just continue to get the same results not really making progress toward a solution. This is how most people try to fix the problems in their life. They are trying to solve the surface issues which were really triggered by something deeper that occurred many times as early as childhood or even infancy. Transformation Coaching is powerful because instead of just working with the issues on the surface we will dive down in and figure out what created the leak (ie problem) in the first place. Many times the answer will totally surprise you, and is something you could never discover on your own. Once the leak has been discovered and cleared then cleaning up the surface stuff becomes not only possible, but much easier to change. Through a series of six  sessions you will begin an amazing journey of self discovery, gaining more clarity on why you have been getting the results you have been getting and tools to change the things that aren't working so well. As you become whole you will gain more conficence, create better relationships, and more success in every area of your life.
 If you are curious what a session looks like go to FAQ'S
During the time you mentor with me you will also receive:
~Free tuition to all of my classes.
~A 30 minute massage with your first session.
~My CHAKRA ENERGY CD for free.
~Unlimited access to me through e-mail for any questions that might come up.

Payment options

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